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Smarter Parental Involvement

Some parents think that being involved in their child’s life should come naturally, but this isn’t always the case. With busy lifestyles, complicated relationships, work-life balance struggle, and personal issues, it can sometimes be hard to be actively involved in the lives of your children. There will be days when you feel like you don’t have enough time, but the “I don’t have time today” feeling shouldn’t hold you back from staying connected and building a relationship of trust with your child.

Studies have shown that the more involved parents are in their children’s lives, the more valued children feel, and the better likelihood they will go to their parents for support if something isn’t right. No matter how well you think you know your child or how close you feel you are to them, it’s important to know what’s going on in their lives, i.e. who they played at

school with?; who are the parents of their friends?; who do they hang out with outside of school; and what games do they play after school? The key here is not only to ask questions, but be a good listener and share information about your daily life too. Show real interest in what your child shares with you because the willingness to listen makes them comfortable about being open with you.

Your child’s self esteem is greatly influenced by the quality of time spent with you, not the amount of time. So make the time together count! It might be going for a walk, talking at bedtime, going for an ice cream, eating lunch together, or playing their favourite game. Make sure you keep your focus on your child, and simultaneously take advantage of that precious time to talk about important issues, such as sex and inappropriate sexual behaviour. Talk about touching, healthy relationships and boundaries, help them understand what is allowed and what is inappropriate.

Clear parent-child communication and familiarity with the warning signs of child sexual abuse are a cornerstone of effective sexual abuse prevention. Bosco, the AI-powered parenting app, can make parental involvement easier by offering you a way to safely monitor their activity and stay in the know about what's happening online. Thanks to the app’s smart notifications and mood detection functionality, you will be able to communicate more effectively with your children and stay emotionally attuned to their inner world.


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